Our Services
Cloud Enablement
Unlock and leverage the full benefits of the Cloud.
Cloud hosting and enablement is integral to the apps and custom software we deliver, and we have the capability and experience to help you get the most from the cloud across your entire organisation.
This means that we support clients to optimise their use of the cloud by;
In both instances, our approach includes advanced solutions that power your apps and organisation with scaleable serverless hosting, incorporate Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning, enable Big Data, and provide you with a tangible competitive advantage.
Applying our expertise, we go beyond the traditional “lift-and-shift” approach, applying our expertise to deliver an advanced level of cloud functionality and support to enhance your performance.
Our approach ensures that your cloud strategy and services are aligned to your organisational requirements both now and for the future.
In addition, at a minimum, embracing the core benefits of the cloud and cloud based infrastructure provides for; flexibility, ease of remote access, scaleabily, improving security, protecting data loss, and ensuring operational continuity.
Lapis supports the use of the cloud for the apps and software we develop as well as for systems that are used across your organisation. As a base benefit, we strongly suggest that using the cloud provides an important part of your Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) and our approach ensures security and data integrity so that your organisation can continue to operate.
Agriculture Victoria Services is the commercial interface between the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) and private industry. The Department supports Agriculture Victoria to achieve wide range of responsibilities including; agriculture development, food production, research, administering funds, grants and programs, and shaping policies and programs to drive the ongoing growth of Victorian agribusiness.
To encourage investment in Victorian agriculture, Lapis was commissioned by DJPR to design and develop a new website to promote investment in Victorian Agriculture, to local and international investors.
The solution brought together a complex custom back-end with a user-friendly interface that was encapsulated in a robust and efficient digital ecosystem hosted in the cloud. The website was launched in 2018, and is hosted and supported by Lapis in our AWS cloud account and continues to perform to expectations.
The rich content and map data were required to be easily updatable by the client once the website was released. Lapis designed a “data driven” approach which modelled the web structure and defined it in a configuration file, allowing new regions and industries to be easily added.